Monday, March 23, 2009

It Should Be Against the Law

It's finally ours.

We've been thinking about it.
Wishing for it.
Sacrificing something else so we can afford it.

And here it is in our hands: a new DVD.

The cover is lovely. Full of color and excitement. Pristine and new and unopened.
Full of promise!

We decide who will have the honor of opening it.

We take turns guessing what it will look like. Whether or not the special features are on a separate DVD.

And then we open it.

But not all at once.

We savor the experience.

Slit open the shrink wrap plastic at the end. Slide off the sleeve.

Slit open the super-duper sticky label at the end of the box. Check the other edges for sticky labels cause sometimes the factories can fool you.

And then we open it.
Just a peak.
It's too dark. Too hard to see.
We open the case all the way.

And here it is!! Our new DVD.

And it's awful!
The disc is one of those done all in silver. With only the name, etc. "etched" on the "label".

It stinks!

I figure if we pay $20 for a movie, the least they can do is imprint a full color picture on it. Something that draws you to the disc when it's sitting next to another movie on your desk top.

Ahhh, but there's rub.
The companies don't need to entice us once the package is opened.
We've already paid for the cow--the milk doesn't have to look appealing.

I watch the movie, but from the get-go my experience is tainted.
And it's their fault.
And it should be against the law!

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